Privacy & Cookies

This page describes how we treat the information provided by visitors, what other information we gather and how we use it, why we sometimes need to store “cookies” and how to prevent this.

In common with almost all professionally run websites, this website logs the IP address of each visitor in order to keep it running reliably. This is also essential for protecting the website and its visitors from malicious attacks, including infection with malware.

This website provides information as a service to visitors such as yourself, and to do this reliably and efficiently, it sometimes places small amounts of information on your computer or device (e.g. mobile phone). This includes small files known as cookies.

The cookies stored by this website cannot be used to identify you personally.

How Cookies Are Used

We use cookies to understand what pages and information visitors find useful and to detect problems such as broken links, or pages which are taking a long time to load.

We sometimes use cookies to remember a choice you make one page when you have moved to another page if that information can be used to make the website work better. For example:

  • avoiding the need to ask for the same information several times during a session (e.g. when filling in forms), or
  • remembering that you have logged in so that you don’t have to re-enter your username and password on every page.

Cookies for Analytics

We use analytics to measure how many visitors are using the website, which pages interest them and so on, and this involves storing the following cookies:

  • Name: _utma
    Typical content: randomly generated number
    Expires: 2 years
  • Name: _utmb
    Typical content: randomly generated number
    Expires: 30 minutes
  • Name: _utmc
    Typical content: randomly generated number
    Expires: when the user exits the browser
  • Name: _utmz
    Typical content: randomly generated number + info on how the site was reached (e.g. directly or via a link, organic search or paid search)
    Expires: 6 months

For more information visit the Google Analytics website.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit.

Personal data

Personal information that you submit to us through this website will only be used for the purposes we solicited it. For example, to respond to an enquiry, and will not be used for any other purpose without your consent. We will never pass it on to any third party without your consent unless legally required to do so.

Other Websites

The information on this page applies only to this website and not to other sites linked to from these pages.