Modern Slavery Disclosure Statement

Toymaster Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Modern slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of human rights. The Modern Slavery Act is intended to address the offences of slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking.

This statement is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Toymaster is committed to ensuring that modern slavery is not found within our supply chain or anywhere within our operations.

Toymaster Structure and Supply Chain

Toymaster Ltd is a buying group for independent toy retailers. Toymaster Ltd has a central office in Northampton in the UK where 17 people are employed, centrally negotiating trading terms, processing invoices, payments and helping in marketing activity which more than 250 independently owned and operated toy shops in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Gibraltar and Malta can benefit from.

Members of the group purchase from approximately 160 Suppliers with an annual turnover of circa £50 million. Toymaster do not manufacture toys but purchase standard toys from UK and EU suppliers. Toymaster Ltd do not have any own label products. Toymaster Ltd also import direct from Suppliers from the Far East, a contract warehouse service in Southampton is used for this service.

Toymaster Ltd Suppliers source the products from around the world.

Toymaster Procedures

Toymaster support the aims of the Modern Slavery Act and ensure that it does not exist in our supply chain. We have a Modern Slavery policy, and in addition, for UK operations there are related HR policies controlling the employment of staff. UK service providers have been approached to ensure they take suitable precautions to prevent modern slavery in their operations. Signed declarations are requested from UK service providers and these are to be regularly updated.

Due Diligence and Policies

We have strengthened our new Supplier due diligence processes to include a requirement for signed assurances around anti-slavery compliance at Supplier listing stage. In addition, our standard contractual trading terms document requires all Suppliers of goods to Toymaster Members to declare that they they have no slavery within their supply chain. These documents are signed annually and continue to assure our processes.

As a member of the British Toy and Hobby Association Toymaster Ltd must ask its Suppliers to use factories that are audited under the IETP Ethical Toy Program process or a similar scheme with the same or better standards.

Toymaster Ltd will remain very dependent on the actions of others to ensure compliance. However, we continue to have a policy of long term relationships with our Suppliers and our retail Members. Toymaster is confident that this policy will help in this work.

Risk Assessment

We are continuing to examine areas of our business where we may be vulnerable to the risk of modern slavery and will take further on-going action to strengthen our processes where appropriate. We currently see no changes to our risk, however we will monitor the risk annually and update as accordingly.

Key Performance Indicators

Toymaster monitor modern slavery issues that may affect our supply chain. Completion of all signed documents is checked each year to ensure our Suppliers continue to commit to our requirements.

We will continue to ensure all our Suppliers and UK service providers confirm their compliance annually.

Next Steps

During 2023 we will be looking at publications and online training for our staff.

This statement is made on behalf of Toymaster Ltd pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act and constitutes our Modern Slavery statement for 2023.

Yogi Parmar
Managing Director
January 2023